The relevance of HER receptor ligands for the trastuzumab and cetuximab resistance in gastric cancer

Project leader: Dr. Julia Kneißl

An important problem in tumor therapy is that only subgroups of tumor entitites are sensitive to molecular therapies. Furthermore, in these primarily sensitive groups, therapy failure due to secondary resistance mechanisms is a frequently observed phenomenon. This is due to the highly complex signaling network of cancer cells.

The monoclonal antibodies cetuximab and trastuzumab are directed against the HER receptors EGFR and HER2. Recent findings indicate an involvement of the HER-receptor ligand system in mediating resistance against these agents.

In this project, we investigate the effect of the HER receptor ligands on the resistance to cetuximab and trastuzumab in gastric cancer. Our studies are based on extensive cell culture experiments. In this way, we hope to gain insight into the relevance of HER receptor ligands for the trastuzumab and cetuximab resistance in gastric cancer. The project is funded since 2012 by the DFG.