In the course of surgical interventions, the so-called "OP-Springer" performs various tasks in the non-sterile area of the operating theatre. In clinical practice, however, this often leads to drastic delays in the procedure due to overworking of the personnel. Therefore, the aim of the project is the development of a context-sensitive mechatronic assistance system, which is able to navigate autonomously in the non-sterile area of the operating room and thereby relieves the OP-Springer and the rest of the surgical team and supports them in their tasks...
The introduction of robotic-assisted surgery (RAS) into the clinical workflow leads to a considerable increase in technical, social and organizational complexity in the operating theatre and its adjacent areas. Despite the numerous potential advantages, the use of RAS is therefore currently limited to only a few and complex cases or is not used at all in some areas. The BFS funded research network ForNeRo focusses on the seamless integration of RAS into the clinical workflow.
SASHA-OR develops an intelligent assistance robot for the surgical operating room. The concrete goal is the realization of an autonomous-collaborating surgical assistance system which is used sterilely at the operating table. The system is characterized by an unprecedented capability for flexible instrument and object management and cognitive robot-robot and robot-human interaction....
The BMBF-funded collaborative project 6G-life between TUM and TUD will drive cutting-edge research for 6G communication networks. As a consistent further development of today's 5G and 4G standards, 6G offers new approaches to sustainability, security, resilience and latency. At Klinikum rechts der Isar, two medical use cases are being researched with the goal of integrating innovative 6G network concepts into clinical testbeds: context sensitive patient monitoring and a semiautonomous telerobotic examination suite
Patients with benign diseases of the esophagus often have a long medical history until their final diagnosis. Depending on severity and symptoms of the disease, patients undergo a wide variety of examinations such as EGD, manometry, pH-metry, CT/MRI, videofluoroscopy, FEES, etc. While all examination results are compiled piece by piece and gradually depict the entire aspects of the disease, it is still extremely difficult to link the individual examination modalities with each other.
Due to demographic change and the increasing multimorbidity of the population, the healthcare system is being confronted with an increasing number of patients. At the same time, the number of medical professionals is decreasing, which further increases the burden on the healthcare system. The aim of the research project TUM4HealthTech is to optimize existing processes in the inpatient clinical area through a comprehensive integration of innovative technologies and thereby relieving staff.