
Lukas Bernhard was able to win the first price at this year's VentureOne/CTAC price session at the Chirurgenkongress 2023 for the research project Aurora. For this session the most interesting submissions by young scientists were selected.

Many colleagues from our research group took part in the run for organ donation in the Munich Westpark in order to create awareness for the topic. Lars Wagner was able to achieve a exceptional 2nd place.

Interview with our scientific head Lukas Bernhard about the research project AURORA.

Our research projects AURORA and ProteCT will be showcased at the automatica / AI.Society exhibition (June 21st - 24th 2022)

In order to strengthen the cooperation between surgeons and engineers, the hands-on intensive training course: "Surgery in Practice" will be organized by the research group MITI on November 26th and 27th, 2020. The aim is to promote mutual understanding and enhance the interaction between theory and practice in the…

Zukunft roboter-assistierte Chirurgie

Workflowbasierte chirurgische Automation

D-NOTES 2014 Workshop 22. und 23.Mai 2014 Frankfurt am Main

13. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V.

Die Noten der Prüfung "Medical Instrumentation" und "Gerätekunde in der Chirurgie" sind unter folgendem Link abrufbar. Grades Medical Instrumentation WS2013/14 Noten Gerätekunde in der Chirurgie WS2013/14