FoxP3 forkhead dimer: Don´t swap me now
Bekere, I. and de Oliveira Mann, C.C. (2022)
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Phosphorylation of muramyl peptides by NAGK is required for NOD2 activation
Stafford, C.A., Gassauer, A.-M., de Oliveira Mann, C.C., Tanzer, M.C., Fessler, E., Wefers, B., Nagl, D., Kuut, G., Sulek, K., Vasilopoulou, C., Schwojer, S.J., Wiest, A., Pfautsch, M.K., Wurst, W., Yabal, M., Fröhlich, T., Mann, M., Gisch, N., Jae, L.T., and Hornung, V. (2022)
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Monocyte-derived macrophages aggravate pulmonary vasculitis via cGAS/STING/IFN-mediated nucleic acid sensing
Kessler, N.,Viehmann, S. F.,Krollmann, C., Mai, K., Kirschner, K.M., Luksch, H., Kotagiri, P., Boehner, A.M.C., Huugen, D., de Oliveira Mann, C.C., Otten, S., Weiss, S.A.I., Zillinger, T., Dobrikova, K., Jenne, D.E., Ablasser, A., Bartok, E., Hartmann, G., Hopfner, K.P., Lyons, P.A., Boor, P., R.sen-Wolff, A., Teichmann, L., Heeringa, P., Kurts, C. and Garbi, N. (2022)
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OAS1/RNase L executes RIG-I ligand–dependent tumor cell apoptosis.
Boehmer, D. F., Formisano, S., de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Mueller, S. A., Kluge, M., Metzger, P., Rohlfs, M., Hörth, C., Kocheise, L., Lichtenthaler, S.F., Hopfner, K.P., Endres, S., Rothenfusser, S., Friedel, C.C., Duewell, P., Schnurr, M. and Koenig, L. M. (2021).
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Nuclear cGAS: guard or prisoner?
de Oliveira Mann, C. C. #, & Hopfner, K. P.# (2021).
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Molecular mechanisms of non‐self nucleic acid recognition by the innate immune system.
de Oliveira Mann, C. C.#, & Hornung, V.# (2021).
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Structural basis for sequestration and autoinhibition of cGAS by chromatin
Michalski, S.*, de Oliveira Mann, C. C.*, Stafford, C., Witte, G., Bartho, J., Lammens, K., Hornung. V. and Hopfner, K.-P. (2020)
Nature, 587(7835): 678-682.
Modular architecture of the STING C-terminal tail allows interferon and NF-κB signaling adaptation
de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Orzalli M. H., King D. S., Kagan J. C., Lee A. S. Y.* and Kranzusch P. J.*
Cell Reports, 27.4 (2019): 1165-1175.
Bacterial cGAS-like enzymes synthesize diverse nucleotide signals
Whiteley A. T., Eaglesham J. B., de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Morehouse B. R., Lowey B., Nieminen E. A., Danilchanka O., King D. S., Lee A. S. Y., Mekalanos J. J.* and Kranzusch P. J.* (2019)
Nature, 567(7747): 194.
Structure of the Human cGAS–DNA Complex Reveals Enhanced Control of Immune Surveillance.
Zhou, W.*, Whiteley, A.T.*, de Oliveira Mann, C.C., Morehouse, B.R., Nowak, R.P., Fischer, E.S., Gray, N.S., Mekalanos, J.J. and Kranzusch, P.J., (2018)
Cell 174, 300-311
cGAS senses long and HMGB/TFAM-bound U-turn DNA by forming protein–DNA ladders
Andreeva, L., Hiller, B., Kostrewa, D., Lässig, C., de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Drexler, D. J., Maiser, A., Gaidt, M., Leonhardt, H., Hornung, V., and Hopfner, K.-P. (2017)
Nature 549, 394
cGAS conducts micronuclei DNA surveillance
de Oliveira Mann, C. C. and Kranzusch, P. J. (2017)
Trends in Cell Biology 27, 697-698
2013 – 2016
Impact of Heterogeneity and Lattice Bond Strength on DNA Triangle Crystal Growth
Stahl, E., Praetorius, F., de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Hopfner, K.-P., and Dietz, H. (2016)
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Structural and biochemical characterization of the cell fate determining nucleotidyltransferase fold protein MAB21L1
de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Kiefersauer, R., Witte, G., and Hopfner, K.-P. (2016)
Scientific Reports 6, 27498
ATP hydrolysis by the viral RNA sensor RIG-I prevents unintentional recognition of self-RNA.
Lässig, C., Matheisl, S.*, Sparrer, K. M.*, de Oliveira Mann, C. C.*, Moldt, M., Patel, J. R., Goldeck, M., Hartmann, G., García-Sastre, A., Hornung, V., Conzelmann K.-K., Beckmann R., Hopfner K.-P. (2015)
eLife 4, e10859
Hedycaryol synthase in complex with nerolidol reveals terpene cyclase mechanism
Baer, P.*, Rabe, P.*, Citron, C. A., de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Kaufmann, N., Groll, M., and Dickschat, J. S. (2014)
ChemBioChem 15, 213-216
Structural mechanism of cytosolic DNA sensing by cGAS
Civril, F.*, Deimling, T.*, de Oliveira Mann, C. C., Ablasser, A., Moldt, M., Witte, G., Hornung, V., and Hopfner, K.-P. (2013)
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