- BMBF (since 2020): COMBAT C19IR: Clinical- and Omic- Based Analysis of Trajectory for COVID-19 Infection and Recovery-
- BMBF (since 2020): Interrogating COVID-19, lung microbiota and therapeutic phages to mitigate secondary lung infection and inflammation – OVPHA
- EU (Since 2020): VIROINF (Innovative Training Networks (ITN; Marie Sklodowska Curie Action))
- DFG SBF/-CRC 1371 (since 2019): Microbiome Signatures – Functional Relevance in the Digestive Tract
- ERC Starting Grant (since 2018): “Bacteriophage inhibition of antibiotic-resistant pathogenic microbes and founding for novel therapeutic strategies – PHARMS”
- DFG (since 2018): The virome in oil reservoirs
- DFG Emmy Noether Programme (since 2016): “The role of viruses in contaminant degradation"