
Topic Type Contact
Audio analysis in the OR MA/SA Jonas Fuchtmann
Entwicklung eines Regelkreises zur intraoperativen Rauchabsaugung MA/SA Eren Demir, Alexander Geiger, Lars Wagner
Student Assistant - Project Week Applied Surgineering HiWi Luca Wegener
Kontextspezifische Spracherkennung im Operationssaal MA/SA Lars Wagner, Jonas Fuchtmann
Implementierung von Kamerastreams und Aufbau eines Webservers HiWi Franziska Jurosch, Sven Kolb
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real-time Assistance in Minimally Invasive Surgery MA/SA Lars Wagner
Development of a Medical User Interface for a Telerobotic Examination Suite FP Sven Kolb


If you are interested in working as a student assistant (HiWi) on topics beyond those mentioned above, please contact us by mail at: