
Introduction to Bioengineering

Contact person: Dr. André Stiel 

About the course

Are you interested in state-of-the-art technologies at the interface of biology, medicine, and engineering? Do you want to learn how different disciplines work together to enhance health care, research possibilities, and our daily lives? Then this lecture series is for you! In this course, you will learn about the basic concepts of bio(medical) engineering. You will get to know the intellectual and practical junctions between classic engineering principles and bio(medical) engineering.

Among other topics, in this course you will learn about:

  • The basic structure and function of cells and tissues.

  • How to measure from biological systems (Instrumentation / Sensors / Imaging)

  • What information can be collected from biological systems (-omics, dynamics).

  • How to analyze information measured from biological systems.

  • How to model biological systems (In silico approaches: Computational design)

  • How to create and alter cell function (Cell Engineering / Synthetic Biology)

  • How to create tissues and solitary organs (Tissue Engineering / 3D printing)

  • Microfluidics and Organoids / Biochips as the biology workbench of the future



Lecture period: 14/04/2021 - 14/07/2021

  • Moodle-ID: 950497053 (S21)
  • 6 ECTS
  • Target groups:
    • Master Physik, Kern-/Teilchen-/Astrophysik, Applied and Engineering Physics, Biophysik, Physik der kondensierten Materie
    • Master Mathematics in Science and Engineering
    • Master Biomedical Computing
    • Master Electrical Engineering
    • Master Bioengineering


Schedule - Summer Semester 2021

Lectures: Wednesdays, 16:30 - 18:00 | Excercises: Wednesdays, 16:30 - 18:00


01. 14-Apr  Bioengineering at large : Lecture Introduction (Ntziachristos)

02. 21-Apr  Introduction: Basic concepts DNA, Protein, Cells etc. (Stiel)                                          

03. 28-Apr  Introduction: Basic concepts Physiology/Signalling (Westmeyer)                               

04. 05-May  Lab&Medical Devices: Spectrometers, FACS, microscopes (Ntziachristos)                    

05. 12-May  Technology for -omics measurements, DNA, RNA, protein, single cell (Gilly)                          

06. 19-May  Microfluidics: organ / organism on a chip (Meier)                                             

07. 26-May  In-vivo Sensors (Ntziachristos)                                       

08. 02-Jun  Computational modelling of gene regulation (Gagneur)                         

09. 09-Jun  Modelling and Artificial Intelligence in Cellular Measurements (Marr)

10. 16-Jun  Biological Data/AI/OMICS (Gilly)                                         

11. 23-Jun  Cell Engineering (Stiel)                                  

12. 30-Jun Nano-medicine and delivery (Westmeyer)

13. 07-Jun  Bioengineering & Society (Müller)

14. 14-Jul  Questions & Answers (Stiel)



Course materials

01. 14-Apr  Bioengineering at large : Lecture Introduction

02. 21-Apr  Introduction: Basic concepts DNA, Protein, Cells etc. 

03. 28-Apr  Introduction: Basic concepts Physiology/Signalling    

04. 05-May  Lab&Medical Devices: Spectrometers, FACS, microscopes            

05. 12-May  Technology for -omics measurements, DNA, RNA, protein, single cell 

06. 19-May  Microfluidics: organ / organism on a chip        

07. 26-May  In-vivo Sensors         

08. 02-Jun  Computational modelling of gene regulation (download: regulatory genomics)         

09. 09-Jun  Modelling and Artificial Intelligence in Cellular Measurements          

10. 16-Jun  Biological Data/AI/OMICS             

11. 23-Jun  Cell Engineering                              

12. 30-Jun  Nano-medicine and delivery

13. 07-Jul  Bioengineering & Society