Welcome to TUM Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology

The Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology belongs to the TUM School of Medicine and Health and is located at the Center for Neuroscience at Campus Biederstein of the Technische Universität München.

General Introduction

The Institute of Neuronal Cell Biology (headed by Prof. Thomas Misgeld and Prof. Mikael Simons) studies questions related to how neurons and the surrounding glial cells interact in development and disease (for example multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders or trauma). Our sister institute at Biederstein Campus is the Institute of Neuroscience. We are also affiliated with the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases and co-cordinate the DFG Excellence Cluster SyNergy. For other collaborating institutes at TUM, please visit here.

Our work is focused on three areas:

  1. The mechanisms by which axons are remodeled and dismantled;
  2. How the axon-myelin unit forms, and how it responds to disease-related damage;
  3. How neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation contribute to the formation of specific well characterized circuits (e.g. in the retina or the neuromuscular system).

The Institute comprises the following research groups: