Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
SyNergy – the "Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology" wants to promote integrative research into a broad range of neurological diseases, with the aim to improve pathomechanistic understanding and eventually therapeutic options. The central focus is to foster intense collaboration amongst multiple investigators and associate investigators across the traditional boundaries of neurodegenerative, inflammatory and vascular diseases.
Munich Center For Integrated Protein Science (CIPSM)
CIPSM brings together internationally recognized scientists in the Munich area from the two leading Universities in Germany, LMU and TUM, as well as from the neighbouring Max Planck Institutes and the Helmholtz society. CISPM forms an umbrella under which the individual research facilities can develop their expertise jointly to form a center of scientific gravity in southern Germany. The Center will strengthen existing expertise by hiring new research groups to working on complementary aspects. These measures will catalyze the transition from classical protein science scattered over the Munich region to a new systemic protein science that is expected to dominate research in the molecular life sciences beyond the funding period.
Munich Center for Neurosciences – Brain & Mind (MCN LMU)
The Munich Center for Neurosciences – Brain & Mind (MCN) was founded in 2005 to create a local network in and around Munich that connects all groups and disciplines with interests related to questions of neurobiology, cognition and “brain & mind”. The center provides a platform for interdisciplinary interactions, supports the establishment of new collaborative research programs and has developed a teaching concept that attracts excellent students at all levels of training. The program M.Sc. Neurosciences, generously funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria, and the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences Ph.D. program, funded by the German Excellence Initiative, are offspring of the MCN Teaching Concept. The SFB 870: Assembly and Function of Neuronal Circuits in Sensory Processing is a new collaborative research center that resulted from scientific interactions of many members of the MCN plus several other research and training networks such as the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Munich. Furthermore the Research Training Group 1091 Orientation & Motion in Space has profited greatly from established networks within MCN and also from its teaching concept. This only begins to exemplify how MCN fosters the city of Munich as an internationally attractive site for training and research in neurosciences.